Kids with a kinesthetic intelligence are awesome!  They defy gravity, redefine space and demolish commonly-held concepts of limitation.  And although they may turn their parents hair grey at an early age, they show us that fear need not be a prohibiting factor.  In their quest to challenge physicality and push the boundaries of their capabilities, they demonstrate a deep and abiding faith that nothing is impossible for those who are impassioned.  Watch:

It is our job to protect this creative intelligence, especially when it is not as valued in the academic arena as it should be. Having a kinesthetic intelligence is not an accident.  It is a gift. Being able to create through this form should be valued every bit as much as any academic skill or artistic expression. They have this skill for a purpose.  When these kids develop their kinesthetic intelligences, it  helps us all redefine who we are and what we can do.  It creates a new picture of what it may mean to be human.

These children are here to free us.

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