Gifted or impassioned?  Both.  All children are born with the gifts they need to create within this world.  The difference between those who actually develop those gifts and those who have not found them is passion. Children who find their gifts have had the opportunity to discover, follow and develop their passions.

It is clear that Thomas Suarez is impassioned, as he uses his logical/mathematical intelligence to express his gifts through creating Apps and programs for other kids to use.   In fact, interested in technology since he was five, he had four published apps, a startup company called Carrot Corporation by the time he was 12.  Thomas also addresses how difficult it is for kids to get information and guidance on creating software programs, and how useful it would be if that resource were available for kids. “For soccer, you could go to a soccer team. For violin, you could get lessons for a violin,” he explained. “But what if you want to make an app?”  To that end, he has created an app club for students at his school where he can share his knowledge and experience and they can learn from each other. Thomas is fluent in programming languages like Python, C and Java.  Interest and encouragement from family, friends and even the employees at the App Store.  That’s because passion is contagious and many people are happy to assist an energetic young entrepreneur.

Talks by brilliant kids

Thomas used the I Phone Software Development kit to get started.

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