Passionate Absorption…the path to transformation

Passionate absorption is our never-ending source of energy, inspiration and motivation. Passion is transformative.  When we are passionately absorbed, struggle is reduced to contented effort, and stress is replaced by joy and exuberance.  When we are engaged in passion, life becomes fuller, deeper and more creative.  We find ourselves in internal alignment with something much (more…)

The Voice Within

How do we drown out the noise, the fears, the anxieties, the worries, that too often plague us?  What do we do with the messages we receive from friends, family and culture that are confusing, conflicting and don’t always feel right?  Which way do we turn, what decisions do we make, what actions do we (more…)

Learn to Trust Your Gut

Sometimes we know more about our children than we can put into words.  Learn to trust your gut.  This is how:  First know yourself well enough to separate your intuition from your own ego, fears and projections.  Then learn to identify the whole-body feeling of epiphany your intuition brings.    If find yourself arguing with (more…)

Connecting to the You Within

Michelangelo was said to have created his sculpture of David, by chipping away at everything that wasn’t David.  Other brilliant artists have described their work as having stepped forward, as if already intact, from the materials with which they were working. So it is with us.  All that we are is already within.  This is (more…)

Happiness is…

                          Happiness is connection to Self—a Self that knows its own inner joys, gifts, and passions—a Self that is content because it has discovered meaning and purpose through the gifts it brings. Ah! To connect or not to connect? That is the question…you (more…)

Taking a risk.

Find your wings. Face your fears.  Forge ahead with the faith of a child. Connect to that which is Bigger than you—no matter what you call it.  If you stick with the process, if you persist in your efforts, if you open yourself up to the possibilities, you will deepen and enrich your life in (more…)