The Educator’s Essential Guide will help you find, nurture and sustain your student’s creativity, interests and passions, and integrate them into your curriculum and learning environment. This easy to follow, step-by-step experiential and project-based process, easily fits into a wide range of elementary and secondary curriculum.
The Educator’s Essential Guide can also be used by public-based elementary and secondary Montessori programs to bridge the gap between Montessori experiential learning and state requirements. A superior guide for homeschooling families in addition to the Montessori classroom, the Educator’s Essential Guide provides you with hundreds of individualized, project-based learning opportunities, attuned to each child’s individual form of creativity, interests and passions. Children learn better by doing.
In addition to hundreds of Creative Learning Activities and reproducible activity forms, the Educator’s Essential Guideprovides you with:
- Exploratory Activities to help you find your student’s interests, gifts and passions
- Application Activities to integrate them into your curriculum or learning environment
- Lesson Plan forms in which you can incorporate your student’s active interests
- Outcome Worksheets to help you see how you are doing
The Educator’s Essential Guide is designed so you can copy and use these reproducible activity forms and worksheets as records about each of your students. Do not write on the originals. We give you permission to reproduce these copies as many times as you want for your own immediate use. We recommend you retain and file all your documentation in a notebook for each student for future reference.
The Educator's Essential Guide is a journey of joyous exploration and discovery, deepening your student's connection to Self in relation to the world. The journey can be done on your own, within the Passion Oriented Education™ community, and/or through our coaching and training programs.
During COVID we are offering free webinars to groups of teachers and parents. Our gift to the community we love.
Consider us your companions in this process. Please feel free to contact us through [email protected]